Refurbish Boat Project – Part 6

img_4523We finally got the Sea Sprite out on the water!  Oh man, I was so excited to do this and it was so rewarding.  Granted it was a TINY bit disappointing as the water pump we are using as a backup motor didn’t want to start and the 85 Force outboard we are using as the main engine didn’t want to move very fast at all.  Although we are pretty confident that we can fix those fairly easily.

The boat did start to take on a good amount of water but we figured out that was an error on our side.  We had removed some things like the ladder that was on the back and replaced some screws for the engine mount.  When doing those we forgot to seal the holes.  Also we were not as concerned as we should have been with fixing/replacing the bilge pump.  It didn’t cause a major issue but it did tend to cut our trip a bit short.  Without the water pump starting it was a good thing we had to head in anyway.  We aren’t putting much faith in the 85 Force at this time.  In fact, it did stall once when we were heading back in but it started right back up.

And yes, as you can see by the pictures, we accidentally left the license plate to the trailer on the boat when we took it on the water.

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